“Only if we are secure in our beliefs can we see the comical side of the universe.”

“Only if we are secure in our beliefs can we see the comical side of the universe.”

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Trash Fairy

Peanut either has an aversion to or an obsession with trash cans. I can't quite figure out which.

This is the very small trash can in my bathroom. Actually, it's more of a wicker waste-basket. Or...it might be just a basket. Anyway, whatever it is, I use it for trash. You can't really put much in it, so I rarely do use it except for the occasional tissue or wrapper. But when it is used, something amazing happens--in less than an hour, it just magically disappears. I like to think that there's a little trash fairy that flits about the house from basket to basket, collecting the contents of each and converting it all to fairy dust. What a charming thought, yes?

In reality, the trash fairy is actually Peanut. Though I must say, she is pretty magical about it--cause I never see her collecting! She's a quick little nut.

Some more trash rules in the house:

1. There's no trash can allowed in the kitchen (oddly enough, the one room in the house where a trash can is absolutely necessary), only a trash bag that sits upon a chair and is swiftly taken down to the basement the minute it becomes halfway full.

2. Peanut gets EXTREMELY upset with me if she sees me dragging the large trash bins up from the street. Apparently, that's just "not something a lady does" (side note--ladies also do NOT, under ANY circumstances, pump their own gas). Nope, dragging the trash cans to and from the street is another duty of The Nightwatchman. Though, sometimes when the little nut isn't watching, I drag them back up to the house to help him out a little, maybe also encouraging him to look the other way should I ever miss another Peenie Curfew...

I'll leave you with this:

Last night as we were eating dinner and going over the day's events, Peanut told me about the telephone repairman that had visited the house earlier that day:

Peenie: "Katy! That guy stayed so late I thought he was going to spend the night with me!"

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