“Only if we are secure in our beliefs can we see the comical side of the universe.”

“Only if we are secure in our beliefs can we see the comical side of the universe.”

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Great Kitchen Debate

Peenie does not like for her kitchen to be used after 3:30 pm. I get off work between 5 and 5:30. You do the math.


Obviously, since I have to eat and I love to cook, this just ain't gonna fly for the next year. And so begins The Great Kitchen Debate. And after each time we debate that same debate, we agree that I am allowed to cook dinner for myself in the kitchen the next night. But each night when I come home, Peanut, being the sneaky Peanut that she is, has either cooked something or gotten take-out for me. Thus, sneakily (but not too sneakily, cause I know her angle) preventing me from cooking.

Ok, stop. I know what you're thinking. How sweet! Why in the heck is Katy complaining that her precious grandmother provides her with dinner every night? Katy must be crazy. I wish someone would fix dinner for ME every night. And Peenie has to eat, too! After all, Katy says she's only 90 pounds! She could stand to gain a few!

...I get it. And maybe I'm being ungrateful. But let me explain:

Peanut does not eat the average American dinner. Peanut eats a peanut of a dinner. Peanut eats a bowl of cereal for dinner. She follows the "King, Prince, Pauper Diet". She eats like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper at dinner. I, unfortunately for her, am the exact opposite. I ain't no pauper (though if you knew my salary, you might believe otherwise) and I just can't do a bowl of cereal every night for dinner. Now, am I asking Peenie to cook for me? Absolutely not. Remember--I love to cook, friends! Did I mention I love to cook?! Oh, and being that I have prepared my own meals for a few years now, I'm not quite willing to go back to having them dictated to me. 

You feelin' me?

Anyway, I was not up for the debate last night as Peanut insisted that she was hungry for something other than cereal (totally get that) and wanted to go to K&W. I obliged her. My meal wasn't too bad after I shook a pound of salt over it. Here's what Peanut ordered:

-Baked apples with cinnamon
-4 hushpuppies
-A cup of cooked spinach
-An undressed bed of iceberg lettuce
-A decaf coffee
-A carton of 2% milk

She ate the apples, 2 hushpuppies, and drank the milk. The rest of the food was just for show, I believe. Which got me thinking...hushpuppies, baked apples, and milk...that's basically dessert, right?

Next thing I knew, I'm suddenly all in my head like, "Is Peenie getting proper nutrition? Is she eating too many sweets? What's she gnawing on when I'm at work? Am I a horrible granddaughter for not thinking about this before? What am I going to doooooooooooo?"

My friends that have babies...is this what it's like?

So, The Great Kitchen Debate is now on the back burner (pun intended). Or maybe I should keep it on the front burner. If she'll let me cook, maybe she'll have more healthy options when I'm not at home. Right?

...I am becoming the 25 year-old mother of a 92 year-old. Maybe I should watch Benjamin Button again soon.

I'll leave you with this:

Peanut's found a new nail color just in time for the change of season. It's called "Fall Mood" and Revlon makes it. She gives herself a touch-up before bed every night so it'll look fresh the next day for all of her admirers at The Fresh Market, Oriental House, Word of Mouth, The Palmetto Bank, and Belk. Peenie's a Greenville celebrity!


  1. I LOVE your blog Katy! And I love that you have taken this time with Peenie to make sweet memories that will sustain you later in life...you SO have a book in the works :)

  2. I love this! Why have I not been reading this until now? And yes, trying to get kids to eat well is pretty much like that. ;)
